Comes October - carded wool, BFL wool blend for hand spinning and felting


Comes October is a 4 ounce carded cloud of fine grade Alpaca, BFL, Border Leicester wool with a touch of firestar; a colorful blend for hand spinning and felting.

Biotayarns© has created an autumnal colorway full of bright tricks and/or treats! This blend creates a fantastic, colorful, artful yarn.

A blend of vibrantly dyed fibers designed especially for creativity in spinning and felting projects. 100% made in the USA from homegrown, hand washed, dyed, blended and fully carded, Bluefaced Leicester wools, Alpaca, and Border Leicester. This blend has firestar added for extra sparkle 35% Alpaca, 30% BFL, 33% Border Leicester, 2% firestar

Comes October carded wool blend is featured in a project article in the Fall 2023 issue of Spin•Off magazine as 'Once Upon an October Pumpkin Scarf'. Please check it out at Long Thread Media you may also view it on Ravelry

Spinners familiar with commercial combed top, which can be dense and require significant predrafting, will likely find this carded preparation easier to spin. The fibers are minimally processed to help retain the unique characteristics of each fiber. 

Please remember that colors may appear different on your monitor than in real life. Every effort has been made to convey the colors in my photos as the fiber blend appears to me in person. Photos are taken in natural daylight without any color effects. I card many pounds of this fiber blend colorway some variation between batches will exist, similar to dye lots in yarn.
This colorway is also available in 1 pound quantities. For more or less please convo me for a reserved listing. 

Sustainably raised and processed fiber; hand-dyed and carded into a cloud at dakota carding and wool

Wh0 grOws y0ur yarn?

Price: $26.00
Weight: 4 oz