Chestnut Owl - Alpaca/Finn, natural colored - it's all about hand spinning yarn


This amazing color blend is created with Natural colored Finnsheep wool, fine grade Alpaca, Black Walnut dyed Border Leicester locks, dyed in the wool Bluefaced Leicester locks plus a mystery carded wool blend. All of these fibers are carded together into a fine blend of fibers for hand spinning yarn or for felted creations. 

Four ounce bags currently in stock

Chestnut Owl is a soft textured Alpaca/Wool blend that spins/felts into a warm, spice brown colored yarn or material!

Spinners accustomed to commercial combed top, which can be dense and require significant predrafting, will likely find this carded preparation easy to spin. Carded cloud is made by feeding washed wool (and other fibers) into a carding mill that opens up the locks, removes vegetable matter and passes it through several carding rollers that card/comb the fibers but does not align the fibers parallel as in combed top. The wool you spin directly from this cloud will make a beautiful woolen yarn the same as is spun from wool roving or batts.
All animal fibers contained in this blend are sustainably raised by local shepherds, washed with mild, eco friendly soap and carded into a beautiful carded cloud at Dakota Carding & Wool Co.

Handwashable & Local

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Price: $27.00
Weight: 4 oz